Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bad Florist

I'm bad florist and don't know what kind of flower it is,
but looks nice. Isn't it? :-) Location: Berlin | Charlottenburg.


Carol E. said...

I don't know the name of this flower, either. I don't know much about plants. But I think you are a good florist, because you found and photographed this beautiful arrangement of flowers. It almost looks like a bride's wedding bouquet.

TOG said...

Plumbago auriculata Is the blue flower. It's all over Florida and it is a shrub that blooms all year long. In the last 15 years or so a darker blue clone has made it much more popular. We call it plumbago.
This will get you to some information:

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of an old fashioned Cleome but those are in Pink and totally different. You have the answer in Plumbago auriculata. It is a beautiful blue color. A baby blue or powder blue.

If you have not seen a tomato horn worm lately, complete with cocoons of predator wasps aboard, then take a look if you have time.